Dear photograph...

"Take a picture of a picture from the past in the present."
Is the punch line of Dear Photograph.

I ended up on the site about a month ago. It intrigued me. It's great to see how the world we live in changes over time. And what better way to find out, show and share it, by a picture of a picture...

A random selection of pictures that appealed to me:

Dear Photograph,
It’s been 50 years since I wore that snowsuit, and so much has changed. Yet in many ways, it feels like so little has…just the way it should be.

Dear Photograph,
At the time it was not common for a man to walk behind a pram.
I’m still proud of my father.
Eva Willemier Westra

Dear Photograph,
Beware of Bear!

Dear Photograph,
New Years Day time travelled and took me and my big bro all the way back to where I was born in Zaltbommel, Netherlands. All these years have passed and now we’re more than brothers, we’re best of friends.
Jos Van Den Berg

Dear Photograph's founding father is Taylor Jones. How it all started:
"Last May, Taylor Jones was sitting with his family in Ontario when his mother pulled out an old photo album. Among the hundreds of shots was one of Jones's younger brother at his third birthday party. "He was sitting in front of his Winnie-the-Pooh birthday cake," Jones recalls. "It was weird – because my brother was there, in the exact spot he was sitting in in the photograph."

Jones grabbed his camera and took a shot of the old photograph lined up to match its original location. He posted it and six others on a blog. Within days, the blog, which he later named Dear Photograph, had gone viral. Today, eight months on, Dear Photograph has had 10m hits, and been named one of Time magazine's 10 best sites. It now gets 20,000 hits a day."
the guardian january 4th 2012
Great stuff...
Now I was thinking how great would it be when you're walking around in your city and you could just pop out your phone and see the world around you how it is today, how it was in the past, how it will be in the future and how it could have been!

I did some research on google and what do I get? An Iphone app!

Soon more on this in a next post.

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